de lundi 10 juillet 2023 (08:00) à jeudi 13 juillet 2023 (14:30)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
10 juil. 2023
11 juil. 2023
12 juil. 2023
13 juil. 2023
08:00 --- Café d'accueil ---
08:30 --- Introduction & Ouverture JJCAB ---
JJCAB1 (until 09:40) ()
09:00 "JJCAB1#1 - Optimisation topologique de patchs viscoélastiques contraints pour aubes fan de turbomachine" - Matteo Couet   ()
09:05 "JJCAB1#2 - Étude de l’utilisation des PINNs et de la réduction de modèle en dynamique des structures pour une intégration dans un dispositif immersif" - Florian DUPONT   ()
09:10 "JJCAB1#3 - Prédiction de l’amortissement de structures metalliques remplies de matériau de viscoélastique" - Matthieu Marion   ()
09:15 "JJCAB1#4 - Simulation numérique du bruit d’alimentation des moteurs électriques par MLI" - Salomé Wanty   ()
09:20 "JJCAB1#5 - Modelling of a resonant cavity with sonic black holes using patch transfer functions" - Pedro Cerântola   ()
09:25 "JJCAB1#6 - Optimisation de la méthode des champs virtuels pour l'identification de chargements dynamiques et de paramètres structuraux" - Nicolas Madinier   ()
09:30 "JJCAB1#7 - A multi order synchro-squeezing transform approach for instantaneous angular speed estimation" - Fadi Karkafi   ()
09:40 --- Session Poster + Café ---
JJCAB2 (until 10:50) ()
10:10 "JJCAB2#1 - Bearing degradation indicator using characteristic frequencies applied on non-stationary vibration signals" - Adrien MARSICK   ()
10:15 "JJCAB2#2 - Resynchronization of sequential measurements using the Maximally-Coherent Reference technique" - Muhammad Nabil Albezzawy   ()
10:20 "JJCAB2#3 - Conception d'indicateurs optimaux pour la détection précoce de défauts à l'aide d'un test de rapport de vraisemblance généralisé" - Kayacan Kestel   ()
10:25 "JJCAB2#4 - Stochastic assessment of electric powertrain whining noise under early-stage design uncertainties" - Vinay PRAKASH   ()
10:30 "JJCAB2#5 - Surfaces et interfaces métaporoélastique pour la mitigation conjointe des énergies acoustiques et élastiques" - Mathieu Maréchal   ()
10:35 "JJCAB2#6 - Modeling and optimization of acoustic metamaterials for cabin noise treatment" - Anas Lachheb   ()
10:50 --- Session Poster + Café ---
JJCAB3 (until 12:00) ()
11:20 "JJCAB3#1 - Conception et contrôle vibratoire d'une imprimante 3D à câbles" - Thibault GARCIA   ()
11:25 "JJCAB3#2 - Détectabilité des défauts de roulements dans les transmissions mécaniques par engrenages: Conditions de fonctionnement, capteurs et indicateurs optimaux" - Arthur Burel   ()
11:30 "JJCAB3#3 - Méthode d’assimilation de données sur des structures en bois de grande hauteur" - Layla KORDYLAS   ()
11:35 "JJCAB3#4 - Digital twin for predicting energy consumption for heating in non-residential buildings" - Antonio Baldassarre   ()
11:40 "JJCAB3#5 - Reconstitution non-supervisée des séquences d’activation des actionneurs issus d’un système de production" - Romain Delabeye   ()
11:45 "JJCAB3#6 - Video-based vibration analysis of medium and high wood constructions" - Yunhyeok HAN   ()
11:50 "JJCAB3#7 - A experimental parametric study of brake squeal" - Guilherme Malacrida Alves   ()
Welcome Ceremony (Survishno & JISFA) (until 09:40) ()
09:40 Keynote / Dr. Julien Caillet, Acoustics - ETGV, Airbus Helicopters - Julien Caillet (ETGV, Airbus Helicopters) Frank Simon   ()
10:20 --- Coffee break ---
JISFA 1 / Aircraft Exterior Noise - Frank Simon (until 12:40) ()
10:40 JISFA1#1 - Engine noise: panorama of future architectures - Stefan Moal (AIRBUS, Toulouse)   ()
11:00 JISFA1#2 - Combustion noise and engine noise: current computational capabilities and fuel expected issues - Laurent Gicquel (CERFACS)   ()
11:20 JISFA1#3 - To be defined   ()
11:40 JISFA1#4 - Reverse problems and Analytical Sensitivity analysis for landing gear noise calibration and prediction - Paul Hanappier (Safran Landing Systems - Vélizy)   ()
12:00 JISFA1#5 - Noise of realistic slats with tracks - Fleury Vincent   ()
12:20 JISFA1#6 - Round table about JISFA 1   ()
Survishno 1 / Model & System identification - Simon Chesné (until 12:40) ()
10:40 "SYSID#1 - Comparative study of the first bending modes of a cantilever beam from a video measurement" - Touzet Jimmy   ()
11:00 "SYSID#2 - Harmonic Modal Analysis Using Hydroelectric Runner Steady-State Strain Gauge Measurements" - Morin Nicolas   ()
11:20 "SYSID#3 - Identification of the Payne effect in a viscoelastic material coupling Bayesian identification and Digital Twin" - Jaboviste Kévin   ()
11:40 "SYSID#4 - Parametric modal testing using slow but continuous variation of operating conditions. Illustration on a contact bench." - Malacrida Alves Guilherme   ()
12:00 "SYSID#5 - Estimation of the piezoelectric factor in nonlinear transducers" - Peyrouse Floriane   ()
12:20 "SYSID#6 - Design of a Resonant Plate for Pyroshock Testing based on Shape and Size Heuristic Optimization" - Viale Luca   ()
Survishno 2 / Fleet Monitoring - Konstantinos Gryllias (until 12:40) ()
10:40 "FLEET#1 - Fleet Condition Monitoring in non-stationary conditions" - Achilleos Achilleas   ()
11:00 "FLEET#2 - Effective Identification of Cyclic Excitation and Resonance in Non-stationary Gearbox Vibration Monitoring" - Ahani Mojtaba   ()
11:20 "FLEET#3 - Automated domain adaptation for bearings fault detection and classification" - Karkafi Fadi   ()
11:40 "FLEET#4 - Results on Experimental Data Analysis of Independent Cart Systems in Non-Stationary Conditions" - Jabbar Abdul   ()
12:00 "FLEET#5 - Performance study of DTW-based spike measurement anomaly detection in sensors on real world tests." - Cornelis Bram   ()
12:20 "FLEET#6 - Investigating the usage of Proxy-A-Distance as a measure of dataset shift detection and quantification in an automotive booming noise classification setting" - Kunte Deepti   ()
Survishno 3 / Signal Processing - Gianluca D'Elia (until 12:40) ()
10:40 "SIGPRO#1 - Towards a self-evaluation of the reconstruction of the instantaneous phase of a vibration signal" - Andre Hugo   ()
11:00 "SIGPRO#2 - Time and angle analysis of Instantaneous Angular Speed signal: impact on average velocity and order spectrums" - Burel Arthur   ()
11:20 "SIGPRO#3 - Enhancing the Performance of the Multi-Order Probabilistic Approach in Angular Speed Estimation through Adaptive Window Selection" - Protopapadakis Georgios   ()
11:40 "SIGPRO#4 - Exploring the potential of sparse spectral estimation for vibration analysis" - Peeters Cédric   ()
12:00 "SIGPRO#5 - Design considerations for smartphone camera-based rotational speed measurement" - Verwimp Toby   ()
12:20 "SIGPRO#6 - Extraction of the acoustic modal content of a turbofan engine in non stationary conditions using order analysis" - Miranda-Fuentes Johann   ()
09:20 Keynote / Dr. Wenyi Wang - Aerospace Division, Defense Science and Technology Group, Australia - Jérôme Antoni (Laboratoire Vibration Acoustique, INSA Lyon)   ()
Start-up Session - Quentin Leclère (Laboratoire Vibration Acoustique, INSA Lyon) (until 10:20) ()
10:20 --- Coffee break ---
JISFA 3 / Aircraft Interior Noise - Frank Simon (ONERA) (until 12:40) ()
10:40 JISFA3#1 - Main Gearbox noise in helicopter cabins and dedicated noise control treatments - Julien Caillet (ETGV, Airbus Helicopters)   ()
11:00 JISFA3#2 - Modeling the wall pressure of a turbulent flow to predict the noise radiated by a structure - François Chedevergne (DMPE - ONERA - Université de Toulouse) Frank Simon (DMPE - ONERA - Université de Toulouse) Bertrand Aupoix (DMPE - ONERA - Université de Toulouse) Sylvain Morilhat (DMPE - ONERA - Université de Toulouse)   ()
11:20 JISFA3#3 - Engine-to-cabin airborne transmission - Stefan Moal (AIRBUS, Toulouse)   ()
11:40 JISFA3#4 - A multi-port scattering matrix formalism for the acoustic prediction in duct networks - Julien Caillet (Airbus Helicopters) Emmanuel Lefrançois (Université Technologique de Compiègne, Laboratoire Roberval (FRE UTC - CNRS 2012)) Cyril Calmettes (Airbus Helicopters) Emmanuel Perrey-Debain (Université Technologique de Compiègne, Laboratoire Roberval (FRE UTC - CNRS 2012))   ()
12:00 JISFA3#5 - Processing and analysis of flight test internal / external microphone measurements - E. Julliard (Acoustics Department, Airbus Operations S.A.S) Jérôme Antoni (Laboratoire Vibration Acoustique, INSA Lyon) Quentin Leclère (Laboratoire Vibration Acoustique, INSA Lyon)   ()
12:20 JISFA3#6 - Round Table JISFA3   ()
Survishino 7 / Dynamic Modelling 2 - Sadoulet-Reboul Emeline (until 12:40) ()
10:40 "DYN2#1 - Non-Linear data-driven model for a solar tracker aeroelastic simulation" - Castellani Francesco   ()
11:00 "DYN2#2 - Phase transitions in a resonating free-piston engine generator" - Dunne Julian   ()
11:20 "DYN2#3 - Rubber part characterisation for rotordynamics analysis." - Tezenas Du Montcel Florian   ()
11:40 "DYN2#4 - Determining Loads for Down-scaled Testing of Wind Turbine Pitch Bearings using an Augmented Kalman Filter and Reference Measurements" - Dwek Nathan   ()
12:00 "DYN2#5 - Identification of vibration damping in 3D-printed lattice structures" - Tanays Rémy   ()
12:20 "DYN2#6 - Stochastic Digital Twin of a Composite Plate for Predicting Lamb Wave Propagation" - Teloli Rafael   ()
Survishno 8 / Fault Diagnostics and prognostics 2 - Renata Klein (until 12:40) ()
10:40 "FDP2#1 - Impact of low ring waviness orders on Hybrid ball bearing under high speeds" - Berrada Salma   ()
11:00 "FDP2#2 - Orthogonal nonnegative matrix factorization as informative frequency band selector" - Gabor Mateusz   ()
11:20 "FDP2#3 - Noise robust gearbox defect diagnosis" - Sekko Edgard   ()
11:40 "FDP2#4 - Modeling and identifying non-stationary long-term historical condition monitoring data in the presence of noise with non-Gaussian characteristics" - Shiri Hamid   ()
12:00 "FDP2#5 - Robust and automatic diagnosis of rotating machine faults by long-term spectral analysis" - Andre Hugo   ()
12:20 FDP2#6 -   ()
Survishno 9 / Condition monitoring 2 - Marco Cocconcelli (until 12:40) ()
10:40 "COMO2#1 - Non-Gaussian noise in rotating machines: sources, impact to local damage detection procedures and possible solutions" - Radoslaw Zimroz   ()
11:00 "COMO2#2 - Bearing degradation indicator using characteristic frequencies applied on non-stationary vibration signals" - Marsick Adrien   ()
11:20 "COMO2#3 - Optimal filter design for rotating machinery fault detection under time-varying speed conditions" - Schmidt Stephan   ()
11:40 "COMO2#4 - The design of optimal indicators for early fault detection using a generalized likelihood ratio test" - Kestel Kayacan   ()
12:00 "COMO2#5 - Combined bearing faults detection using the Multiple Improved Envelope Spectra via Feature Optimization gram (MIESFO-gram) in complex systems" - Yazdanianasr Mahsa   ()
12:20 "COMO2#6 - Temporal companding for the evaluation of a rotor rotation speed during strong transients" - Griffaton Julien   ()
09:20 Keynote / Prof. Régis Dufour - INSA Lyon, LaMCoS, UMR CNRS 5259 - Guilhem MICHON (ISAE - DMSM) Régis Dufour   ()
Resonance Summer Camp Session - Guilhem MICHON (ISAE - DMSM) (until 10:20) ()
10:20 --- Coffee break ---
JISFA 5 / Noise and Vibration of Spacecrafts - Leonardo Sanches (until 12:40) ()
10:40 JISFA5#1 - Some experimental developments on supersonic jet noise reduction by water injection - Gildas Lalizel (Institut PPRIME, UPR CNRS 3346 / ISAE-ENSMA / University of Poitiers) Pierre Beltra (Institut PPRIME, UPR CNRS 3346 / ISAE-ENSMA / University of Poitiers) Florian Moreau (Institut PPRIME, UPR CNRS 3346 / ISAE-ENSMA / University of Poitiers) Hadrien Lambare (Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales) Romain Bouju (Institut PPRIME, UPR CNRS 3346 / ISAE-ENSMA / University of Poitiers) Yves Gervais (Institut PPRIME, UPR CNRS 3346 / ISAE-ENSMA / University of Poitiers) Eva Dorignac (Institut PPRIME, UPR CNRS 3346 / ISAE-ENSMA / University of Poitiers) Patrick Berterretche (Institut PPRIME, UPR CNRS 3346 / ISAE-ENSMA / University of Poitiers)   ()
11:00 JISFA5#2 - Large eddy simulations of launcher lift-off noise and comparisons to experiments - François Vuillot (DMPE - ONERA - Université Paris Saclay (COmUE)) Julien Troyes (DMPE - ONERA - Université de Toulouse)   ()
11:20 JISFA5#3 - Forced and shock vibration reduction in a honeycomb sandwich panel using a Vibro-Impacted Acoustic Black Hole attenuator - Cyril Touzé (Institute of Mechanical Sciences and Industrial Applications, Unité mixte CNRS - ENSTA Paris - EDF – CEA) Patrick O’Donoghue (Laboratoire d’Acoustique de l’Université du Mans, UMR CNRS 6613) Adrien Pelat (Laboratoire d’Acoustique de l’Université du Mans, UMR CNRS 6613) François Gautier (Laboratoire d’Acoustique de l’Université du Mans, UMR CNRS 6613) Florent Masson (ACOEM) Haiqin Li (Laboratoire d’Acoustique de l’Université du Mans, UMR CNRS 6613)   ()
11:40 JISFA5#4 - Influence of non-structural elements on satellite dynamics - Xavier Cadiot (Airbus Defence and Space)   ()
12:00 JISFA5#6 - Round Table JISFA5   ()
Survishino 13 / Data driven condition monitoring 2 - Wylomanska Agnieszka (until 12:00) ()
10:40 "DATA2#1 - Detection of machine mechanical faults using vibrations and deep autoencoders" - Eltabach Mario   ()
11:00 "DATA2#2 - Wind turbine gearbox condition monitoring through a multi-scale data-driven approach" - Castellani Francesco   ()
11:20 "DATA2#3 - Vibration-based unsupervised detection of common faults in rotating machinery under varying operating speeds" - Bourdalos Dimitrios M.   ()
11:40 DATA2#4   ()
Survishno 14 / NVH of eco-efficient powertrains - Didier Remond (until 12:40) ()
10:40 "EDRIVE#1 - Multi-Physic Analysis Of Power Electronic Control Parameters In A Simulation Framework" - Salamone Nicolo   ()
11:00 "EDRIVE#2 - NVH optimization of electric motors: optimization under constraints and uncertainty" - Dupont Jean-Baptiste   ()
11:20 "EDRIVE#3 - Resynchronization of tonal acoustic field in multi-pass non-stationary microphone array measurements" - Kottakota Kalasagarreddi   ()
11:40 "EDRIVE#4 - Virtual measurements for exterior vibroacoustic problems using experimental modal models" - Staiger Julian   ()
12:00 "EDRIVE#5 - Resynchronization of sequential measurements using the Maximally-Coherent Reference technique" - Albezzawy Muhammad Nabil   ()
12:20 EDRIVE#6 -   ()
Survishno 15 / Structural Health Monitoring - Fabien Chevillotte (until 12:40) ()
10:40 "SHM#1 - From Lab to tail boom: the challenges to develop a SHM system in an industrial context" - Bottois Paul   ()
11:00 "SHM#2 - On the time reversal method for fault diagnosis on a beam: some preliminary results" - Huguet Mélissandre   ()
11:20 "SHM#3 - Structural Health Monitoring using time reversal techniques in acoustic domains" - Le Gall Thomas   ()
11:40 "SHM#4 - Operational modal analysis for scour monitoring of bridge piers" - Belmokhtar Mohamed   ()
12:00 "SHM#5 - A study on efficient approaches for modeling Lamb wave propagation in joint metal plates with embedded defect" - Mardanshahi Ali   ()
12:20 "SHM#6 - Effects Of Multi-Axis Random Vibration Environments On Fatigue-Life And Durability Predictions" - Proner Enrico   ()
12:00 --- Session Poster + Café ---
12:30 --- Pause Déjeuner ---
14:00 --- Diffusion des videos laboratoires ---
JJCAB4 (until 15:05) ()
14:30 "JJCAB4#1 - Acoustic Liners Intergrated Inside Blades of Unmanned Air Vehicle Rotors" - Santiago Montoya-Ospina   ()
14:35 "JJCAB4#2 - Conception de Panneaux d’Habillage Légers Type Aéronef à Fort Indice d’Affaiblissement Acoustique" - Tiffany Raharimanana   ()
14:40 "JJCAB4#3 - Conception d'un filtre absolu d'onde mécanique à l'aide d'un réseau périodique 3D de treillis de barre." - Théo BONNEVAL   ()
14:45 "JJCAB4#4 - Contrôle des instabilités dynamiques non-linéaires à l'aide de la prédiction" - Jesus García Pérez   ()
14:50 "JJCAB4#5 - Stratégie d’identification de l'influence dynamique des éléments non-structuraux sur les structures aérospatiales" - Lisa Fournier   ()
14:55 "JJCAB4#6 - Modélisation numérique d’un instrument de musique à vent et comparaison à la mesure expérimentale" - Marie Jeanneteau   ()
15:05 --- Session Poster + Café ---
JJCAB5 (until 16:10) ()
15:35 "JJCAB5#1 - Characterization of the dynamic behavior of laminated electric rotors" - Nour Abuhemeida   ()
15:40 "JJCAB5#2 - Contribution à l'amélioration de la modélisation multi-corps de turbomachines" - Océane TOPENOT   ()
15:45 "JJCAB5#3 - Conception d'une suspension multi-axiale à verrouillage pour le contrôle des vibrations" - Johann Roberjot   ()
15:50 "JJCAB5#4 - Analyse numérique du comportement vibratoire d'une machine électrique synchrone à aimants permanents" - Thomas Poupon   ()
15:55 "JJCAB5#5 - Modal analysis of in-duct fan tonal noise at varying shaft speed with a Bayesian approach" - Johann Miranda-Fuentes   ()
16:00 "JJCAB5#6 - Geometrical, Flexural and Vibrational Characterization of Saxophone Reeds" - Sashi Kiran MADUGULA   ()
16:10 --- Session Poster + Café ---
17:00 --- Visite Laboratoires ---
19:30 --- JJCAB Diner de Gala ---
12:40 --- Lunch Break ---
JISFA 2 / Environmental Noise and Perceptive approaches - Adrien Pelat (Laboratoire d’Acoustique de l’Université du Mans, UMR CNRS 6613) (until 16:00) ()
14:00 JISFA2#1 - Applications of experimental processes to large set-up (videos) - Adrien Pellat Frank Simon   ()
14:20 JISFA2#2 - Short term annoyance due to aircraft flyovers - Catherine Lavandier (ETIS laboratory, CY Cergy Paris University)   ()
14:40 JISFA2#3 - Long term annoyance and its impact on health - Catherine Lavandier (ETIS laboratory, CY Cergy Paris University)   ()
15:00 JISFA2#4 - Uncomfort due to noise and vibration in aircrafts - Etienne Parizet (Laboratoire Vibrations Acoustique, INSA-Lyon)   ()
15:20 JISFA2#5 - Aircraft noise certification: evolutions & trends - Stefan Moal (AIRBUS, Toulouse)   ()
15:40 JISFA2#6 - Round Table JISFA2   ()
Survishno 4 / Dynamic modelling 1 - M. Ouisse (SUPMICROTECH-ENSMM, Univ. Franche-Comté, CNRS, institut FEMTO-ST) (until 16:00) ()
14:00 "DYN1#1 - A model-based approach for the NVH performance improvement of Soft Close Actuators for automotive applications" - Natali Caterina   ()
14:20 "DYN1#2 - Optimization of the Energy Input and Output Parameters for Pyroshock Testing" - Viale Luca   ()
14:40 "DYN1#3 - Numerical analysis of the dynamic behavior of rotor shafts in permanent magnet synchronous machines" - Poupon Thomas   ()
15:00 "DYN1#4 - Control of an acoustic mode by a digitally created Nonlinear Electroacoustic Absorber at low excitation levels: Analytical and Experimental results" - Morell Maxime   ()
15:20 "DYN1#5 - Exploring the Impact of Defect Geometry on Bearing Dynamic Behavior Using Spall and Indentation Models" - Schwarcz Ori   ()
15:40 "DYN1#6 - Unknown load torque estimation on rotary drivetrains with exploitation of angular periodicity in an extended Kalman filter" - Van Der Veken Thijs   ()
Survishno 5 / Fault Diagnostics & prognostics 1 - Hugo André (until 16:00) ()
14:00 "FDP1#1 - A federated learning approach for rolling bearing fault diagnosis on data sources with imbalanced class distribution" - De Fabritiis Fabrizio   ()
14:20 "FDP1#2 - CANCELLED - Cyclic monitoring of the Remaining Useful Life RUL for the Bearing fault prognosis" - Benyagoub Abderrahmane   ()
14:40 "FDP1#3 - Modelling and diagnosis of a crack of a bearing inner ring" - Combet Francois   ()
15:00 "FDP1#4 - Study of bearing fault detectability on a rotating machine by vibro-acoustic characterisation as a function of a noisy surrounding machine" - Attal Emmanuel   ()
15:20 "FDP1#5 - On the detection of rolling contact fatigue in large bearings using roller embedded sensors." - Baggerohr Stephan   ()
15:40 FDP1#6 -   ()
Survishno 6 / Condition monitoring 1 - Jérôme Antoni (until 16:00) ()
14:00 COMO1#1 - Acoustic Monitoring of Rolling Element Bearings using a Sparse Microphone Array - Wu Xian   ()
14:20 COMO1#2 - Automatic Processing of Air Gap Monitoring Signals in Hydro-Generators - Faure--Giovagnoli Pierre   ()
14:40 COMO1#3 - Bearing diagnostics and speed estimation via smartphone standalone data - Mauricio Alexandre   ()
15:00 COMO1#4 - Bearing diagnostics based on a Spectral combination of Hjorth's parameters - D'elia Gianluca   ()
15:20 COMO1#5 - Data-driven Interpretable Optimized Weights Derived from A Sparsity Measure Framework and Their Applications in Machine Condition Monitoring - Bingchang Hou   ()
15:40 COMO1#6 - Information Fusion of Infrared Images and Acoustic Signals for Bearing Fault Diagnosis of Rotating Machinery - Siami Mohammad   ()
16:00 --- Coffee break ---
Exhibitor session - Simon CHESNE (LaMCoS INSA-Lyon) (until 17:00) ()
Round Table - IROQUIA - Frank Simon (ONERA) (until 18:00) ()
18:00 --- Visite ISAE ---
12:40 --- Lunch Break ---
JISFA 4 / Passive and Active Control of Aeronautical Noise - Adrien Pelat (Laboratoire d’Acoustique de l’Université du Mans, UMR CNRS 6613) (until 16:00) ()
14:00 JISFA4#1 - Absorption and transmission of boundary layer noise through micro-perforated panel structures: measurements and modellings - Daniel Mazzoni (Aix Marseille Univ. CNRS Centrale Marseille, Institut de Recherche sur les Phénomènes Hors Equilibres (IRPHE UMR 7342) ) Cédric Maury (Aix Marseille Univ. CNRS Centrale Marseille, Laboratory of Mechanics and Acoustics (LMA UMR 7031) ) Teresa Bravo (Instituto de Tecnologías Físicas y de la Información (ITEFI) , Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) )   ()
14:20 JISFA4#2 - Overview of Onera acoustic active control activities in helicopter cabin - Frank Simon (DMPE - ONERA - Université de Toulouse)   ()
14:40 JISFA4#3 - Acoustic Absorption in business jets cabin - Yann Revalor (Bruit interne, Dassault Aviation )   ()
15:00 JISFA4#4 - Multimodal characterisation of acoustic liners using MAINE Flow facility - J. Golliard (CTTM) T. Humbert (Laboratoire d'Acoustique de l'Université du Mans (LAUM), UMR CNRS 6613, Institut d'Acoustique - Graduate School (IA-GS), Le Mans Université)   ()
15:20 JISFA4#5 - Smart Acoustic Lining for UHBR Engines - J. Mardjono (Safran Aircraft Engines) E. Salze (Univ. Lyon, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, LMFA UMR 5509) M. Ouisse (SUPMICROTECH-ENSMM, Univ. Franche-Comté, CNRS, institut FEMTO-ST) M. Volery (Signal Processing Laboratory LTS2, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) M. Gillet (SUPMICROTECH-ENSMM, Univ. Franche-Comté, CNRS, institut FEMTO-ST) E. De Bono (SUPMICROTECH-ENSMM, Univ. Franche-Comté, CNRS, institut FEMTO-ST) M. Collet (Univ. Lyon, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, LTDS UMR 5513) K. Billon (Univ. Lyon, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, LTDS UMR 5513) H. Lissek (Signal Processing Laboratory LTS2, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)   ()
15:40 JISFA4#6 - Round Table JISFA4   ()
Survishino 10 / Data driven condition monitoring 1 - Eltabach Mario (until 16:00) ()
14:00 "DATA1#1 - Vibration based milling diagnostics using Artificial Intelligence" - Knittel Dominique   ()
14:20 "DATA1#2 - CANCELLED - Multi-Source Information Fusion Fault Diagnosis for Rotating Machinery using Signal and Data Processing" - Makrouf Iman   ()
14:40 "DATA1#3 - Wind turbine drivetrain fault detection using physics-informed multivariate deep learning" - Jamil Faras   ()
15:00 "DATA1#4 - Anomaly Detection in Aircraft Engine Vibration Using Deep Convolutional Autoencoder" - El Hidali Abdallah   ()
15:20 "DATA1#5 - Airplane turbulence detection with hybrid deep learning model" - Dampeyrou Charles   ()
15:40 "DATA1#6 - Ball bearing diagnosis using a homogenous hybrid database in a supervised machine learning" - Sow Souleymane   ()
Survishino 11 / Passive control of Vibrations - Régis Dufour (until 16:00) ()
14:00 "PACO#1 - Vibration response of a machine structure filled with high-damping material" - Martini Alberto   ()
14:20 "PACO#2 - Nonlinear damper approaches to flutter mitigation in highly-flexible wings" - Alcorta Roberto   ()
14:40 "PACO#3 - Nonlinear passive control of galloping of overhead transmission lines: design and numerical verifications" - Leroux Matthieu   ()
15:00 "PACO#4 - Understanding vibroimpact damping through a numerical energy based approach" - Sadoulet-Reboul Emeline   ()
15:20 "PACO#5 - A passive nonlinear absorber for controlling pathological tremors of human arm" - Gebai Sarah   ()
15:40 PACO#6 - Control based continuation of autonomous system — Stabilization mechanisms - Etienne Gourc   ()
Survishno 12 / Condition monitoring 3 - Castellani Francesco (until 16:00) ()
14:00 "COMO3#1 - Experimental study on condition indicators for severity estimation of growing spall in bearings." - Bublil Tal   ()
14:20 "COMO3#2 - Wavelet-based high order spectrum for local damage diagnosis of gears under different operating conditions" - Zhu Rui   ()
14:40 "COMO3#3 - Identification of non-informative noise component in time-frequency representations. Application to vibration-based local damage detection" - Wylomanska Agnieszka   ()
15:00 "COMO3#4 - Robust estimators of autocorrelation function in application to local damage detection for non-Gaussian signals" - Zulawinski Wojciech   ()
15:20 "COMO3#5 - Algorithm for the detection of faults in rolling element bearings running under tacholess and variable rotating speed conditions" - Hernandez Fidel   ()
15:40 COMO3#6 -   ()
16:00 --- Coffee break ---
Exhibitor session - Simon CHESNE (LaMCoS INSA-Lyon) (until 17:00) ()
Survishno Contest Session - Quentin Leclère (Laboratoire Vibration Acoustique, INSA Lyon) (until 17:40) ()
Round Table / Adapting Dynamics and Acoustics Professions and Training for Future Industrial Needs - Dupont Jean-Baptiste Adrien Pelat (Laboratoire d’Acoustique de l’Université du Mans, UMR CNRS 6613) (until 18:40) ()
19:30 --- Congress Social Event - JJCAB prices & SFA industrial medal - Congress Diner ---
Survishno 16 / Acoustic Treatment - Quentin Leclère (Laboratoire Vibration Acoustique, INSA Lyon) (until 12:40) ()
12:00 "AT#1 - Acoustic porous resonant metamaterials for rotor insulation" - Plisson Jules   ()
12:20 "AT#2 - Experimental characterization of recycled surgical face masks used directly as acoustic treatments" - Castori Colin   ()
Closing Ceremony (until 13:00) ()
13:00 --- Lunch Break ---