Inter-Agency GNC V&V Workshop

Lecture theatre 1 & 2, hall (ISAE-SUPAERO)

Lecture theatre 1 & 2, hall


10 Avenue Marc Pélegrin BP 54032, 31055 Toulouse FRANCE
Francesco Sanfedino (DCAS)

Workshop Goal

The Inter-Agency GNC V&V Working Group invites researchers and practitioners to submit a technical abstract for a presentation at the second GNC V&V Workshop to be held on 9-10 July 2025 at the Institut Supérieur de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace (ISAE-SUPAERO) in Toulouse, France.

A hands-on dynamic system modelling and verification Tutorial Course is offered as well by ISAE-SUPAERO and ONERA on the 7-8 July.

The Inter-Agency GNC V&V Working Group is an informal collation including representatives from the European Space Agency (ESA), the National Centre for Space Studies (CNES), the German Aerospace Center (DLR), the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the French Aerospace Lab (ONERA), The Italian Space Agency (ASI), and ISAE-SUPAERO. The Inter-Agency GNC V&V Working Group is narrowly focused on exploring solutions to improve the collective capabilities of the space agencies and their industrial partners to perform efficient GNC V&V on modern algorithms for space systems.  The Working Group recognizes that the V&V process is a significant cost driver in space mission GNC system developments. The Working Group seeks to identify the new GNC V&V technologies, approaches, methodologies, tools, and processes needed to deal with the evolving complex GNC systems of the future. The Inter-Agency GNC V&V Working Group has carefully considered this fundamental question: Will the GNC engineering community of practice be sufficiently prepared to perform the necessary V&V on evolving GNC architectures and algorithms that are driven by very demanding requirements for autonomy, resiliency, reconfigurability, adaptability, and mission cost-benefit balance? Additional information on the findings and recommendations of the Inter-Agency Working Group are provided here:

The Inter-Agency Working Group is now soliciting abstracts for the Workshop. The envisioned Workshop sessions as described below. The organizers wish to stress that Workshop will not be structured as a typical conference, rather it is envisioned to be an informal forum conducive to group technical interactions. The specific details of the Workshop structure remain to be converged upon. It can be stated that those details will largely depend on the interest level of the community and the nature of the responses received to this Call for Abstracts. The Workshop will be articulated primarily around short presentations to stimulate discussion as well as around more interactive exercises (e.g., round-tables, break-out sessions interleaved with plenary session, etc.). The organizers view this Workshop as an opportunity for community members to informally share GNC V&V challenges, concerns, issues, ideas, potential solutions and priorities for future work and collaboration. The fundamental goal being to improve the reliability and the efficiency of the GNC V&V phase in a mission’s life cycle.

As such the Inter-Agency Working Group is seeking several short 10–15 minute long presentations (i.e., brief “talks”) only, not the full technical papers as would occur for conferences.  The Working Group is especially interested in receiving presentation abstracts that will support a collaborative effort by space agencies, industry, academia, and tool vendors to solve the GNC V&V challenges associated with the complex GNC systems of the future.

Lastly, the Inter-Agency GNC V&V Working Group has an interest in engaging the community on the topic of GN&C engineering education. It is envisioned that a short round-table discussion could be organized as part of this Workshop on this topic: The Future of GNC Education. The intent of this particular discussion would be to gather ideas on how colleges and universities might go about updating both their undergraduate and graduate curriculums as they relate to GNC engineering. Therefore, individuals that share a common interest in this important aspect of how the next-generation of GNC engineers will be educated are encouraged to submit an abstract for a short talk summarizing their thoughts on this topic. For example, a talk suggesting where enhancements need to be made to the undergraduate curriculum to better prepare prospective GNC engineers for their graduate work would be an excellent interactive discussion topic. Alternatively, one might wish to talk about the growing influence of AI/ML on the training and education of GNC engineers. Talks that help identify areas where graduate programs are strong in GNC engineering and where there are gaps in the graduate education of GNC engineers would be of special interest. If there appears to be sufficient interest in this topic of the future of GNC education it is likely that the short round-table discussion will be arranged, perhaps as a lunchtime event.

Participation fees (in progress)

- Only Workshop (9-10 July 2025)

- Only Tutorial Course (7-8 July 2025)

- Workshop + Tutorial Course (7-10 July 2025)


Important Dates

In progress

Workshop location

The conference will be held in the reception hall and lecture theatres 1 & 2 (amphithéâtres 1 et 2) at ISAE-SUPAERO, 10 Avenue Marc Pélegrin, BP 54032, 31055 Toulouse, France


  • Adam Pinto
  • Agnes TRINCAL
  • Ahmed Salim
  • Alberto Calvo Córdoba
  • Alex Pierron
  • Alexandre DUCHEVET
  • Alexandre Marois
  • alexis boffet
  • Alexis Sack
  • Alicia FERREIRA
  • Ana Grin
  • Ana Sollars
  • Anaisa Villani
  • Anaïs Pontiggia
  • Andreea Daniela Florea
  • Anke Brock
  • Antoine MORICE
  • Apoorva Busunur Mallikarjuna
  • Aurélie KLEIN
  • Axel Vergnes
  • Baptiste Prébot
  • Benjamin Coulomb
  • Benjamin Hari
  • Bruno Patin
  • Carine MALLE
  • Caroline Chanel
  • Catherine Letondal
  • CHER-FILIPPI Maximilien
  • Christian Berthomier
  • Christian Klein-Wolf
  • Christophe LOUNIS
  • Clément Cadier
  • Clémentine Jacques
  • Coralie Réveillé
  • Corey Hart
  • Corinne CHABANNE
  • Cyril Camachon
  • Daan Vlaskamp
  • Damien Morisson
  • Damien Mouratille
  • David Acerbis
  • Declan Saunders
  • Denys Bernard
  • Dimitrios Ziakkas
  • Dong Bach Vo
  • Edith Milvia Cremades Martínez
  • Eleanor Cannon
  • Elene STRAYER
  • Eloïse CARDOSO
  • Fabien Lotte
  • Fabien PACO
  • Fabien SAUVET
  • Fabrice Jimenez
  • Fauve Lesbordes
  • Filipo Studzinski Perotto
  • Flora Schwartz
  • Franziska Keller
  • Frederic Beltran
  • Gabriele Luzzani
  • Gilles Tuduri
  • Guillaume Bersac
  • Jacob Greene
  • Jaime Leon
  • James Blundell
  • Jaume Perello-March
  • Jean Louis GUENEAU
  • Jean-Baptiste Chaudron
  • Jean-Marc ANDRE
  • Jean-Paul IMBERT
  • Jessie Raja
  • Jonathan Deniel
  • Jonay Ramon Alaman
  • José Barreiros
  • Juan Jesus Torre Tresols
  • Jules GOMEL
  • Julien Donnot
  • Juliette Bruin
  • Jérémie Garcia
  • Karl Tschurtschenthaler
  • Kresimir Cosic
  • Lara SALTI
  • Lars Fucke
  • Laure Gicquel
  • Laurent Chaudron
  • lionel AFCHARD
  • Loan Magnier
  • Louis Sansoz
  • Lucas Teissier
  • Léa Mathieu
  • Manon ROUBY
  • Manuel Colavincenzo
  • Marcel Hinss
  • Maria Rivas Vidal
  • Marta Gacewicz-Nielipinska
  • Martial Pohin
  • Martin Boniol
  • Maryam BOUJDAA
  • Mate Gambiraža
  • Matej Kurtak
  • Mathieu Thomas
  • Mathijs Henquet
  • Mathis Potel
  • Maxime Poret
  • Maxime Péré
  • Maximilian Weigand
  • Mickael Causse
  • Milan Vrdoljak
  • Nathan Bessis
  • Nghia HOANG
  • Oscar Sipele Siale
  • Patrick Berail
  • Patrick FABIANI
  • Paul Westfield
  • Pierre Bouny
  • Pierre de Bodman
  • Pierre Fabries
  • Pierre-Eliot Jourdan
  • Quentin Chenot
  • Quentin DEHU
  • Quentin Vantrepotte
  • Ramon Pitarque Laboria
  • Randall Mumaw
  • Raoul Vink
  • Raphael Queval
  • Raphaëlle Giguère
  • Raphaëlle Roy
  • Robert Wilson
  • Roland Spies
  • Romane Dubus
  • roussel david
  • Rémi Perthuisot
  • Sami Mecheri
  • Samuel Huber
  • Sandro Guidetti
  • Sarah Embacher
  • Sebastien Yriarte
  • Seda Ceken
  • Siegfried Maier
  • Simon Schwerd
  • Simona-Narcisa Arghir
  • Sinisa Popovic
  • Sirine Royer
  • Sofia Viola
  • Stefania Ficarella
  • Stéphane VOIVRET
  • Suzanne Broadbent
  • Sylvain DORRIERE
  • Sylvain Pauchet
  • Sébastien Scannella
  • Thibault Lahire
  • Thierry FAUTREL
  • Théo de la Hogue
  • Tristan Feutren
  • Turkan HENTATI
  • ubBXeXAp ubBXeXAp
  • Victor Niaussat
  • Victoria Alonso
  • Vincent Vigneau
  • weifei xie
  • Yale Lee
  • yann DUVAL
  • Yannick Migliorini
  • Yousra DKHISSATE
    • 08:30 09:00
      Registration Day 1
    • 09:00 09:20
      Opening speeches and introduction to scientific topics
    • 09:20 10:20
      Keynote / Cognitive Automation - Prof. Axel Schulte
    • 10:20 11:00
      Coffee break and Poster session
    • 11:00 12:30
      Oral session 1 / Assitance and decision-making support (#122 / #131 / #117 / #136)
    • 12:30 14:00
      Lunch buffet
    • 14:00 15:30
      Oral session 2 / Cognitive assistant, Human performance (#150 / #142 / #152 / #124)
    • 15:30 16:00
      Coffee break and Poster session
    • 16:00 17:30
      Oral session 3 / Human-machine interaction, Transparent IA (#126 / #115 / #114 / #116)
    • 17:30 18:30
      Panel session / Crossed views on human factors and cognitive air systems issues
    • 20:00 23:00
      Gala Dinner (Espaces Vanel) - Networking
    • 08:30 09:00
      Registration Day 2
    • 09:00 10:00
      Keynote / Ethics and AI - Prof. Jean-François Bonnefon
    • 10:00 10:40
      Coffee break and Poster session
    • 10:40 12:30
      Oral session 4 / Innovative cockpit concepts (#132 / #147 / #140 / #135 / #155)
    • 12:30 14:00
      Lunch buffet
    • 14:00 15:30
      Oral session 5 / Degraded mental states, Countermeasures (#121 / #109 / #112 / #120)
    • 15:30 16:00
      Coffee break and Poster session
    • 16:00 17:00
      Oral session 6 / Visual scanning, brain activity measurements (#118 / #143 / #154)
    • 17:00 17:15
      Talk by Patrick Fabiani / Industrial perspectives, Dassault Aviation's point of view
    • 17:15 17:30
      Conclusion and Acceptance speech
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