7-10 juillet 2025
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Submit an abstract

  • Date d'ouverture
  • Date limite de dépôt

Authors are required to submit an abstract. Abstracts should not exceed 2 single-sided pages in length (Arial, 12 font) including no more than 1 Figure. Abstract should include a statement of the objective and significance of the proposed presentation, a description of methods, and a discussion of results. Please when submitting, indicate to which Workshop Session your submission should be sent for review.

Authors should consider whether their material may be more effectively presented in the oral presentation or poster sessions. Abstracts will be reviewed by the program committee and may be accepted for oral or poster presentation.

All submitted abstracts will be peer-reviewed by at least two independent referees from the IAGNC international program boards.

Online abstracts compilation will be published as open access.

If your abstract is accepted for oral or poster presentation, you will have the opportunity to submit the final presentation/poster. Online presentation/poster compilation will be published as open access.

Please click on the "submit new abstract" button below to submit your abstract via the Indico Submission system.

You have to create an Indico account first.

Conference template must be used:
Abstract conference template: Word or Latex

** Please submit your paper as a pdf document, you can drag and drop it directly to the "Attachments" field of the submission system.

Questions? Please contact IAGNC 2024 administration team: francesco.sanfedino_at_isae.fr

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